Juniper Acre Flock Share Program

Have you ever considered keeping chickens for eggs, but weren’t sure you would have time? Or where you live you don’t have the space, or you are not allowed to keep chickens. The Juniper Acre Flock Share program eliminates these barriers to fresh, affordable open range chicken eggs.

Chicken eggs are one of the most nutritious and versatile foods on the planet. A single egg is about 70 calories and contains 6 grams of protein and a little bit of almost every nutrient a person needs every day. Chickens that can freely range and eat a high-quality diet produce eggs that are higher in omega-3 fatty acids and are nutritionally dense.


What Is A Flock Share?


A flock share is an opportunity to invest in the Juniper Acre chicken flock and what you receive in return is a weekly supply of 6 chicken eggs without having to do any of the work to keep chickens.

Your initial investment in an unspecified hen is $15. This is a one-time fee and makes you an investor in the flock. The hen is “unspecified” so we can manage them as a flock. This allows us to ensure that you receive 6 ungraded, truly open range, fresh eggs each week. A hen’s laying varies with the seasonal day length, shorter days, less eggs and her molting period, the shedding of old feathers and the growing of new ones. We do not use artificial light to extend the length of the days during the winter, because we believe the hen should be allowed to naturally rest her body during the winter months.

Once you have made an investment in the flock there is a monthly fee of $10 per month per hen. For this fee we will provide the housing, bedding, feed, water, garden produce and daily care for the chicken. The chicken along with the rest of the flock will range freely daily on 1-acre supplementing her organic feed, foraging for insects, worms and naturally available seeds. At night the flock is kept in a coop with an attached run that is protected from the elements and predators.

While your chicken is living her best chicken life, we will collect your eggs daily and store them at or below 45 degrees Fahrenheit until we deliver them to you at the agreed upon weekly or bi-monthly pick up location. You may visit the chickens at Juniper Acre, if prior arrangements are made.

If you would like to invest in the Juniper Acre Flock Share Program, download the agreement below and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Flock Share participation is limited to residents of Terrebonne, Crooked River Ranch, Redmond, Bend, and Tumalo, Oregon.